
How it Happened

Okay, I guess by way of introduction, I should probably explain how I ended up in this situation. To begin with, I will, following the standard grad-student habit of spending an immense amount of time writing a preface... well, preface myself.

Twenty-three plus years of schooling should have prepared me better for dealing with the real world, right?

you laugh... "silly academic," you say... "of course the hallowed halls of learning barely prepare one for the dog-eat-dog world of trying to make a living... most people do not progress much further than the standard required or recommended years of schooling. Why should they let those they generally disliked, those bookworms, those teacher's pets, those A-students... those people who made them look bad actually define the world?"

... and of course you'd be right.

The arrogance of those with (what some might call) too much education ill-equips them for the regular rat-race. Most of those are smart or clever enough to find themselves a nice comfortable little niche within the ivy-covered walls, where they are able to read, write, discuss and argue amongst each other about immensely important concepts and ideals which appeal to none except themselves.

However... for those of us who never quite "fit in," or lacked the confidence to continue, or who left those halls for whatever reason (anger, disillusionment, failure, etc) are then doomed to exist in a world where we are both over-educated and under-socialized for jobs which fail to challenge, around those who see us as nerdy, irrelevant, out-of-touch pests.

Okay, okay... enough of pretending that I speak for others... this is about my own journey.

Hope I don't bore you... as of course there is more prefacing to come.

Basically what you will see here is anything that follows from the above premise... this includes social and political observation, rants about work, and anything else that flows from my incomplete mind.


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